Saturday, May 21, 2011

I never get mad while in game. Nope, never.

In fact, I am the most mild mannered gamer of all time. Ho ho ho, it is just a game after all.

If you guys feel like sharing today, revel me with some of your favorite raging game experiences. Be it punching your mother, yelling at your guild, or raging at your ISP.


  1. haha, yes, you were mad. oops.

  2. I was playing a heavy round of Cribbage once with my Grandma and she pissed me off so bad I through a plastic butter knife all the way across the room. Grams shut her mouth real quick.

  3. Join game
    Someone didn't get the hero he wanted
    No remake... after that I don't want to play ever again :)

  4. SO MANY BROKEN GUITARS. Seriously, Guitar Hero made me rage so much. I seriously went through 12 Les Pauls in like 6 months. I'd snap them, bend them, smash them. I miss a note? THIS GUITAR SUCKS, BAM. I even broke this like 46 inch HD TV I got for christmas because of that game. Oh god the horrible memories.

  5. i'm more of a silent, slow to build anger, rager

  6. I tend to not play fps games in general because I rage a lot! RTS games I'm alright haha

  7. I really need to play this game.

  8. I usually step away from the computer. Stuff breaks so easily.


    when you kill them "uuuh kuromatsu it's a hacker, buuuh"

    or "fuck you motherfucker"

    well i have a girlfriend, i have a lot of sex and stay out all day, at night i play 2-3 hours to relax damn, losers butthurts...

  10. Well, I rarly rage...mostly people rage on me when I decide to play some PvP in Guild Wars ;)

  11. I really enjoyed the video thanks. Good game.

  12. rofl,- earlier today I found myself swearing aloud in a Barnes and Noble playing a 5v5. I left the cafe promptly afterward.

  13. When I get mad, I go exercise.

  14. hahahah nice video. this is why i don't play video games as much i'd like to: i get so fucking mad easily it is not even funny.

  15. Lol, me... eh, try to keep gamerage under control

  16. i remember playing socom II and just flambasting some douchebag for totally not following team strategy hahah good times

  17. I love talking shit while gaming.

  18. I rage when my ISP decides that it's my time to lag for long periods of time. yeah... it sucks

  19. The last time I remember really raging was playing the original Halo on legendary trying to get past a room that locked and then flooded with the horde. I raged because I had beaten it so easily many times before but was having an off day or something.

  20. i remember playing the first super mario as a kid. you couldnt save and it took me forever to get to the last level. then there was a power outage and the console shut down. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUU

  21. I played this game for so many hours! ;D

  22. Nono, you're not mad. Mad is when you scream so loud, the rest of the people you talk to get terrified.

    ...well, you're pretty good at containing your rage :P

  23. I either have a lot of fun, or have a lot of rage. That is CS for you though.

  24. Where should I start.. hm well I take the classics:
    In my Counter-Strike times. We play matches, we lose, I am in bad form or simply my damn internet connection fucks me in the ass.
    Result: 6 broken mouses, keyboard wrecked, a lot of insult volume 100 permaspam in the house. Fun though when u let it rewind
